English version | 25.06.2019 17:13

PM Tsipras at Hellenic Force Camp in Cyprus: Nothing and nobody has been forgotten


"I am here with you at your camp, our camp, to convey the greetings of the Greek people and of Greece," said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday, addressing the members of the Hellenic Force in Cyprus.

Tsipras also reassured them that "nothing and no one has been forgotten", despite the many years that have passed since the ELDYK's heroic battles and fallen during the Turkish invasion. "Greece remembers and honours its children that fell in the name of Greece and Cyprus," he said.

"You must know that you represent Greece's steadfast solidarity and support of Cyprus and Greece's role as an important pillar of peace and stability in the region," said Tsipras.

Alexis TsiprasCyprus