English version | 05.08.2019 17:42

Piraeus Bank completes property sales worth 4.2 mln euros


Piraeus Bank Group on Monday announced the successful completion of a property sales e-auction worth 4.2 million euros. In an announcement, the Group said that Piraeus Real Estate in cooperation with Piraeus Bank and Piraeus Leasing, completed its seventh e-bidding in July. The bank approved the sale of 32 properties, with the sale price for these properties totalling 4.2 million euros.

The success of the latest e-bidding is within the framework of the real estate owned assets active management approach. More than 240 individuals and legal entities expressed an interest in participating in the seventh open electronic auction. Throughout its open e-auctions, Piraeus Bank offers financing to interested buyers. Properties4sale.gr is already preparing for the next property auction, the dates for which will soon be announced.

property salespiraeus bank