English version | 06.08.2019 14:08

Achtsioglou: Mitsotakis is trying to create a total control system


"We have an unprecedented total control of all the state mechanisms that can become the institutional counterweights to the public administration and this is extremely problematic" stated SYRIZA parliamentary group responsible for Labour Effie Achtsioglou to Athens-Macedonian News Agency radio on the draft law "Organisation, operation an transparency of the government, the government's bodies and the central public administration" that is going to be voted on Tuesday in parliament.

"This draft law is going to give huge power to the prime minister. He (Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis) tries to create a total control system, even on the Independent Authorities" Achtsioglou said.

Kyriakos MitsotakisEffie Achtsioglou