Papastratos announces creation of 160 new job positions
Papastratos already announced the creation of 400 new job positions as part of a 300-million-euro investment programme to transform its production factory into IQOS heated tobacco rods🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Papastratos on Thursday announced the creation of 160 new job positions in Greece as part of a plan to boost sales and information to adult smokers over the company's new IQOS product.
In an announcement, Papastratos said the 160 salespersons will be selected and hired by companies associated with Papastratos and this process will be completed in June.
Papastratos already announced the creation of 400 new job positions as part of a 300-million-euro investment programme to transform its production factory into IQOS heated tobacco rods, ending cigarette production after 87 years of operation.
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